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145.000 euros from the participatory budgeting


Monday, 7th August 2023

Calvià citizens choose 145.000 euros from the participatory budgeting

Neighbours' vote decides 9 projects for the municipality

145.000 euros from Calvià Town Hall's budget will be allocated to a series of projects and services chosen by the citizens themselves. The residents of the municipality have been able to vote on what the money allocated to the so-called participatory budgeting of this 2023 will be used.

1. Improvement of the skating rink perimeter and construction of changing rooms: 30.000 euros.
2. Installation of a roof at the CEIP Son Ferrer entrance: 30.000 euros.
3. Pine trees injection against processionary caterpillar in playgrounds and dog parks: 5.000 euros.
4. Containers for donations to the SOS Animal Protection Association: 30.000 euros.
5. Dog trainer to support the kennel, shelter and adopters: 5.000 euros.
6. Drinking water fountains: 30.000 euros.
7. Annual Beachpolo Tournament: 5.000 euros.
8. Adhesion of leisure establishments in the prevention of sexual assaults: 5.000 euros.
9. Snorkel days on the beaches of the municipality: 5.000 euros.