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Affective and Sexual Education Study of Calvią


Thursday 15th April 2021


This is the first local study of these characteristics to be carried out in the State

EAS Calvià infography

Calvià Town Hall has presented, to the educational community of the municipality, the Study on knowledge and perception about education and affective and sexual health and prevention of sexist violence in the municipality of Calvià, which has been coordinated from the area of Equality. This is the first local diagnosis of these characteristics to be carried out in the State. It has been carried out through surveys and direct interviews in schools with fifth and sixth grade students (between 10 and 12 years old); students of ESO, Baccalaureate and training cycles (between 12 and 18 years old); parents and teachers and professionals of the educational system.

The presentation was given by the Deputy Mayor for Social Cohesion and Equality, Nati Francés; the Deputy Mayor for Education, Olga Granados; the manager of the IMEB, Borja Martorell; the head of the Equality Service, Sandra Sedano, and Dr. Lluís Ballester, who has co-directed the study.

The State Pact against Gender Violence of 2017 proposes to reinforce and expand in education, egalitarian values and affective and sexual education at all educational levels, promoting a comprehensive approach, as well as preventing sexual violence by working specifically with boys and adolescent men.

The Study allows to improve the actions that are being carried out in Calvià in this area, as well as to respond to the deficiencies that have been detected.

Some conclusions of the Affective and Sexual Education Study

Amongst primary school students, the Study concludes that 25.6% of those who have received some type of affective and sexual training (EAS), have not been satisfied with the doubts, curiosities or interests, and that 59% resolve these doubts with their parents or people with tutoring functions.

On the other hand, the presence of a certain gender bias is observed that includes certain stereotypes (such as that 18% consider jealousy in couples quite normal or very normal), or certain toxic beliefs (such as thinking of the partner as a possession by part of 37.3%), although making a scale of the level of sexism, it is observed that the scores are at levels lower than half the route (from 0 to 7).

Regarding secondary school students, who have received EAS in a higher percentage than primary school students, one in two has not been satisfied with regard to doubts, curiosity or interests, and most resolve it with friends. Regarding toxic beliefs, 39.8% consider jealousy as normal, quite normal or very normal.

Regarding sexual relations, the majority of adolescents in Calvià between the ages of 14 and 18 (63.7%) are correctly informed about the risks of pregnancy or ITS, but 36.3% believe that these risks do not exist or they do not know. And the direct question about the consumption of pornography, 56.4% confirm that they do consume, with a clear difference by age: from 44.7% among the youngest (12-13 years) to 61.8% among the oldest. By gender, differences are also observed: 82.4% of adolescent boys consume pornography, while among adolescent girls only 31.1% do so.

On the part of parents, 93.3% believe that it is important to talk about affectivity and sexuality with their sons and daughters, but talking about sexuality makes 43.6% of the parents uncomfortable. Regarding the answers given by the students, it is striking that only 14.2% of parents believe that their son or daughter sees pornographic material.

Finally, it should also be noted that 93.8% of parents think it is good that EAS is taught in educational centres.

EAS programme in Calvià

Based on this analysis, which detects the deficiencies and improvements that would be necessary, Calvià Town Hall, through the Municipal Institute of Education and Libraries (IMEB) and the Equality area, will launch, starting next year, a pilot project in all municipal schools, in 4 pre-education and primary education centres and in the 3 obligatory secondary education centres. It will consist of holding a workshop each quarter, related to the themes of body, desire and affectivity, and will be aimed at families, students and teams of teachers taking part, in this case with the collaboration of CEP Calvià (Calvià Teachers Centre).

In addition, other complementary activities will be carried out that the Town Hall will offer to implement the minimum 10 hours necessary for the effectiveness of any comprehensive sexual education programme.